event previews and reviews, lyrics, reasoning…
Summerdays @ Arbon 2023
Dancing in the rain on August 25’th at Summerdays in Arbon Switzerland and fulljoy with…
Summer Vibrations Festival in Sèlestat (FR)
First time at Summer Vibrations Festival although it is pretty near. 2,5 hours by car…
Whoop Whoop! – Reggae im Herzen – back again!
Yees people, we have been waiting a long timeeng: After a 4 year break, Reggae…
Exciting! Audius vs. Spotify Follower
Still unbelievable, Audius with 7 Playlist attracts 260 Followers while Spotify with 58 Playlist, monthly…
Finally M4Music Festival again
24. + 25. March in Zurich Keynotes by Protoje & Uncle Peng Peng Happy to…
Temple Road – Naâman Masterpiece
How beautiful! The new Naâman album sounds like a masterpiece presenting his depth and sensible…
walk the talk
Massive respect to the mindvalley community! Mindvalley is a impressive online-plattform of selfdevelopment courses like…
African legend of a hummingbird
Found a beautiful legend of a hummingbird today. Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai tells an inspiring…
It could be tomorrow
Wow, passionated reasoning with Blvk H3ro I still believe, that tomorrow might just be the…
Wie wär’s mit Napster?
Meine Liebe zu Spotify hat einen schmerzlichen Dämpfer kassiert. 1. Slogan “impfen is everything” #nicht…
Santa Claus – do you ever come to the ghettos?
My favourite Christmas Song since long Chronixx Santa Claus Song for #CrimeFreeChristmas Project in 2016…
Am just about to close my medium.com account and distribute the worthwhile posts here and…
Morning Sun #Lyrics
Einer der Songs, die voll meine Wellenlänge erwischt haben ist ‘Morning Sun’ von Gabriel Schillinger-Hyman…
Released! September ’21
Die Release vom September sind der Hammen! Kann mich nicht dran erinnern, wann ich eine…
beautiful #Lyrics
Das Titelbild ist eine Kombi aus Bleistiftzeichnung und anschliessender digitaler Bearbeitung. Ispiriert von dem Song…
Vor einer Weile hat mir mein Kollege vom Le Groove das Bandcamp Konzept ans Herz…